Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fiddler #3--It's Over! :(

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Robbie (Lazer Wolf!):

Here's an assortment of pics from our last Fiddler show.

Overall things went fine this afternoon (Luke even got his line in--and the right one!), but I'd say Friday's was the best overall performance. The one little glitch today was that Tevye's mic (Joel--the main character) cut out during the last part of the first half, but thankfully it was pretty close to intermission so he wasn't without it long--and it worked fine after intermission. There were a few timing things tonight, but overall it was a VERY GOOD show and everyone enjoyed it.

Director Kelly Curtis reminded us of a great verse: 2 Corinthians 3:5 "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God." To Him be the glory!


Anonymous said...

way to point out all the faults...

bethoven said...

Did I really sound that negative? I didn't mean to. FABULOUS SHOW, GUYS!