Monday, November 26, 2007

Top 5 Things For Which I'm Thankful

1. Sanctification. God doesn't just leave us where we are; He gives us the opportunity to grow and change. (And plenty of opportunities to practice it.)
2. The Bible. Although I don't open it as often as I should, God gives us His Word as a tool to help us in our quest for personal holiness. He didn't just leave us empty-handed.
3. My amazing family. I am SO thankful that I have a wonderful Christian family that is always there for me and has given me such a good foundation. This includes my parents, my brother Tim, my sisters Rachel & Sarah, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins!
4. My church family & friends (including those with whom I work), without whom I would be tempted to remain nice and cozy in my own little personal bubble. They keep me accountable to grow and change.
5. My dog Juju...of COURSE she made the list!

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