Have you ever caught yourself doubting whether all the Bible stories you've heard since you were a child are true? Lately I've found myself becoming more cynical and just lacking that child-like faith. I would start talking to someone, or teaching preschoolers a Bible lesson, and as I was hearing myself speak I would catch myself thinking that it sounded so unreal. Am I confident in my belief in Jesus Christ? Is there really a God?
We all get plagued by doubts at some point. I've been through this before. I grew up in a Pastor's home, raised to believe the Bible was true; I almost didn't have any other option growing up. But at some point you have to make your faith real; you can't depend on others to believe for you. I became a Christian at a young age (4 years old) and sometimes I wonder if it was only due to the godly influences at my life at that time. Do I act like a Christian just because it's the only thing I've ever known?
I don't know lately what has triggered these doubts. Who can figure out the workings of our minds? (mine especially...I can think some of the most random thoughts...) Maybe it's been just the nitty-gritties of day-to-day life, trying to "work" God into my schedule--when I should be doing the opposite. Shouldn't God be the focal point? But I do know that I haven't "felt" as confident in speaking up for the Lord. For instance, I might be talking to my next door neighbor about how he's struggling to get along with his dad, and my first instinct (since I've been well-trained) will be to know that Christ and the Bible have all the answers for our daily problems, BUT then I will start to wonder if that's really true and how it applies in each situation. I would be lacking confidence in God's truth.
So how do I remedy this? Do I truly believe that Jesus Christ came in human form and literally died on the cross over 2000 years ago? How can I refute all the historical evidence for this? And if Jesus actually lived, then the Bible must be true. And if the Bible is true, God really does care about every aspect of my life. Yes, the Bible is true. Yes, Jesus did come. Yes, Jesus did die. Yes, Jesus did rise from the dead. Yes, Jesus is still alive today preparing a place for us. It's incomprehensible, but I step out in child-like faith. Yes, I do believe.
Thanks for a great reminder. Satan wants us to doubt to keep us from sharing and living for Christ.
Yeah. Growing up in a Christian home makes it a little hard to deal with doubt sometimes. Wondering if you really believe or if you've just been riding your parents' coattails the whole time. I've dealt with that a few times myself. Thanks for the great thoughts on the issue.
I understand completely. I was also saved at a young age (I think about 3), and I've always wondered if I was just a Christian because it was easier. I'm glad God is patient with all my doubts and struggles.
While this isn't my story, I have several friends that I've heard a similar story from. Way to go Beth, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ.
And man I'm thankful all that's true, too!
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