Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

You will be so tired of me posting about my dog!

Yesterday we had some thunderstorms, and Juju likes playing with the rain gutter--and the mud, too, of course. She doesn't understand the concept of coming in out of the rain yet!

So here's a few more pictures. Juju's almost 11 weeks old now and she's growing! She's over 10 pounds now, but still likes to be carried, as I carried her all the way home from church Sunday afternoon as she was very warm (it was over 90 degrees). She's definitely gotten used to the air conditioning!

It is still rainy this morning, but hopefully it will clear up before the fireworks tonight!


turza said...

Awwwwwww you're puppy's SOOOO cute!!!! Happy fourth!

Anonymous said...

Meh. Fireworks.

Anonymous said...

Juju is a cutie!!! Im looking forward to meeting it and earning it's respect

bethoven said...

Yes, Robbie, I saw you at the fireworks. Juju had lots of stimulation meeting all sorts of people and playing with sticks and fireflies. By the time the fireworks started she finally went to sleep!