Dear Auntie,
You asked about my recent weight loss, so I thought I'd share my "secret"--unfortunately, there isn't one! Lately I've found myself in clothes too big for me and able to wear 2 sizes smaller, and I'm not exactly sure what happened...but I'm not complaining! ;) Partly it's just learning to wear the "right" clothes, but I thought I'd share my "diet" as well. I am NOT a dieter. I really don't like the concept of eating something special for only a couple of weeks and then resuming the same eating struggles after that. Ever since college I've tried to eat healthier and be a better steward of my body by watching what I eat-- obviously sometimes more successfully than others--but just this summer and fall it seems to be paying off. So I've been trying to evaluate what I've done differently.
Here's what I think I've been doing:
1. Eat more. Yes, that's right; eat MORE. I had gotten in the unhealthy habit of not taking time for lunch, in fact, not eating most of the day. So I think my metabolism slowed down. To get my metabolism back up, I've been eating every meal: breakfast, lunch, and supper with possibly a healthy snack in between: granola bar, yogurt, apple, orange, banana, etc.
2. Eat oatmeal every day. At least most days. I usually am rushing out the door so don't eat before I leave for work, but now I grab a package of instant oatmeal and a bowl (and a spoon) and I'm good to go for after my first couple lessons when I have a 10-15 minute break. (This replaces a pop tart--but sometimes I have a granola bar instead.)
3. Walk. Since June (when I got Juju) I have taken her for about a 30-minute walk nearly every day--sometimes more than once. I do Tae Bo with Sarah sometimes, but that's pretty rare. So that's my exercise regimen (which was sorely lacking before).
4. Have your health-conscious sister come live with you. :) I think this may have had some affect too, as Sarah is good about adding whole wheats and fewer sugars, things I didn't really think about much before. I have also tried to cut back on the carbs and fats and eating smaller portions and all that good stuff that you normally think about to do too. (No more ice cream every night!)
But overall I haven't really TRIED to necessarily lose weight, I'm just trying to be a better steward of my body. And I've actually dropped about 20-25 pounds, so that's a great blessing. The bad thing is that the more healthy food is usually more expensive, but I'm trying to balance that as well.
Well, dear Aunt, since you asked (and cousin Becky too) I thought I'd share.
"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31 (New American Standard Bible)
Beth - what an inspiration...Mel commented to me on your terrific appearance Sunday! Keep up the keeping up of your temple!
Wow, all that spirituality and looking great in a pair of jeans, too. Go Beth! You look great!!
Thanks for the "reminders"... ALL things I "know"... but just have to put into practice. You truly are in inspiration! P.S. Can I have Sarah back???????
beth -
troy and i were commenting on sunday that you looked like you were losing weight and looking great! keep it up and great job! being healthy is so worth it!
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