Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Good Surprise

My mom and my sister Rachel surprised me by coming to visit us this weekend!!!! Sarah knew about it and helped plan it all. It was kind of for my birthday (and to help celebrate my mom's and Rachel's birthdays, too)! Sarah took me out to Texas Roadhouse for my birthday Friday night. Before we ordered, she sent me out to fetch something from the car, and--and, lo and behold--there were Mom and Rachel standing out around the corner! I was completely surprised. I don't remember what exactly I said, but Rachel says that I said "Are you serious?" So they ate with us too and we enjoyed a nice meal together. Rachel and Sarah went to Indy yesterday (Saturday) while Mom and I did Faith's graduation and the open house thing. We hit 9 open houses!

Today (Sunday) we did church (of course) then Moe's, then 2 more open houses before we had a sisters outing to Pirates 3! I really liked the movie.

Mom and Rachel have to leave in the morning, but I'm thankful they were able to come down and Rachel took the time off of work to visit!


Anonymous said...

Glad we could surprise you. I've been telling people you said, "Are you for real?" I'll have to change my story. I'm sure Rachel remembers it correctly. Hey, Happy Birthday to Rachel today. Off to facebook.

Anonymous said...

LOL... Beth I'm so glad you had a good time!!