Monday, May 05, 2008

Landscaping Pics

Here's some pics of the new mulching I did on Saturday and the Common Purple Lilac bush!

Juju and my blooming apple tree in the backyard--and the grass she's killed! :)

The digging and raking I did on Saturday gave me a big blister on my hand that's given me a little bit of grief the last couple of days. I'll be glad to be able to reach an octave again without the pain of stretching my right hand!


Erin said...

Looks great!

Unknown said...

Nice work with the mulching. The apple tree is lookin' nice. Do you expect any lilac blossoms this year?

Molly said...

Your landscaping looks really nice and your dog looks like she feels appropriately guilty for having killed your grass! Funny! Have a great day!

Hayden405 said...

JuJu does look like she's in a guilty pose! Maybe you should send her to the doggie camp across town for a few weeks!

Jonathan Haynie said...

Dogs kind of have a way of destroying grass, don't they? It must be some sort of compensation for all the fun they are most of the time...