Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

I dedicate this post to my littlest sis, Sarah, who turned 22 yesterday (August 7). She is done with college and is ready to be out on her own, so she is coming to live with ME in Lafayette next week (probably August 15) and find a job. I'm looking forward to having her with me. Her red room is all painted and she is looking forward to furnishing it herself (after I get her a bed.) Happy Birthday, Sarah!


Annie said...

Awe. How sweet. Sisterly love! you may be able to find some furniture on craigslist.com there are deals to be had!! Enjoy your sis! How fun!

Anonymous said...

You have a sister?!?!? What else haven't you told me?!?!?

Anonymous said...

From the looks of the pic, you have a crazy sister. But she does cook well.

Troy & Sherry said...

how fun ! i would love if my sister came to stay with us....have fun and cherish every moment..:)

Anonymous said...

I think that your sister is pretty flippin' sweet and u should feel so totally honored that she is coming to live with u for a while!

Heather said...

I am not sure IN can handle two Hills from the UP!