This weekend was a busy one.
Friday night we met two ladies from church and rode with them down to Indianapolis so Sarah could participate in her first 5K race (3 miles). It was one of the features of this Irish Festival going on that weekend. So while they ran I looked around at the booths and listened to all kinds of Irish bands playing. Sarah did really well, placing 14 of 34 in her age group and running the 3 miles in about 26 minutes. We didn't get home until after 11:00 p.m.
Then Saturday morning we got up to go tailgating with some more friends from church at the Purdue football game! Sarah had to work later so she didn't get a ticket to the game, but my friends got me a ticket so I was able to enjoy watching my first college football game. Although I think it is actually easier to pay attention to the game when you are watching it on TV as there are so many distractions at a "live" football game!! It was a beautiful, hot day.
And, oh yes, the main reason we went to that particular game was that the half-time presentation was by all the area high school's marching bands playing with Purdue's marching band. So our Faith Christian marching band was right there on the field, too. If you look closely in these pictures you can see their maroon t-shirts on the FAR side of the field!So Friday and Saturday were pretty busy.
Then Sunday night I had a friend over to watch the first episode of the new Amazing Race!
It was a very fun weekend!
Yes! I'm looking forward to AMAZING RACE!!! Wahoo! Although I'm not sure which team is my favorite, I can almost assuridly tell you who is NOT my favs....
that's so kewl about the Irish festival!! i love irish music! i'm soooo jealous that you got to go! also, that's great that the Faith marching band got to play at the game on Saturday! our football team is actually good this year! when is the amazing race on? i want to see it! i hope things are going well there! ttyl : )
I can't believe u just told me that u'd rather watch a football game on television than go to a game and watch it live...sometimes I don't understand how we can be related...sheesh...
Amazing Race is the only show I watch faithfully. I want the gays to be eliminated, then the cheerleaders, then the beauty queens. I want either the Korean dudes or the couple where the girl has a fake leg to win. Or the Model/Recovering Drug Addicts. One of those three teams.
Is blogger free? I want one.
Jonathan Haynie
Sounds like it was a sweet weekend. How come I wasn't invited?
Jonathan Haynie! I'm in the same camp on Amazing Race picks...but I think I'm rooting for the models/ex-drug addicts as my top pick right now. Yep! Blogger is definitely free, just go to and set yourself up. You should. I'd read it. Hey, thanks for posting.
Oh, and everyone else, too. Thanks for the comments.
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