Thursday, July 25, 2013

CBMK Reunion

Lately I've had the opportunity to think about the impact my family heritage has had on my life. This is in part due to the fact that I was asked to speak at an MK reunion this summer. (MK is short for Missionary Kid.)

I grew up in a Christian home. My parents have been missionaries with Continental Baptist Missions since 1975, which is a mission agency that plants churches in the continental United States. So before I was born, my dad became a pastor in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in the city of Ishpeming. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have a younger brother and 2 younger sisters. We all grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I was born in 1978 (you can do the math and figure out I’m 35 years old), and so I grew up as a pastor’s kid. We were in the same church all through my growing up years. It was (and is) a small church, about 80 people, but I learned a lot from my parents about being faithful to a church and how important it is to find ways to serve in the church. I am so thankful for my godly heritage and I am thankful that God placed me in my family. 

Since I was asked to speak at a workshop this summer, I began to think about what I was going to speak about, and how growing up as an MK shaped my outlook on life. As I grew up and moved away from home, I began to realize I may have had misconceptions about Christianity, and life in general. So I came up with the TOP 10 Misconceptions I had (as an MK) and how I have grown in my knowledge of God and myself.

I will share my top 10 list over the next 10 days. 

If you are interested in some pictures I put together for this summer's CBMK reunion held at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA, check out this link

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