[This is the 10th and final misconception in a series of Top 10 Misconceptions some MKs face.]
God has created us uniquely. We are part of the BODY of Christ. If we were trying to create an orchestra and everyone played the same instrument, we would be doomed to fail. When a composer writes an orchestration for something, he carefully doles out the parts to each member. He may know he has an excellent flute player, so he gives her something tricky. He many know the clarinetist can really only play 2 notes very well, so he gives him just some long notes to hold. He knows the cymbals have a cool sound, but he doesn't want it to be too noisy so he saves that until the end. The percussionist can look at his music and say, "How come I only get to play at the end of the song? I want to play here, here, here, and here too," but if he does it will not sound good. When everyone plays his part perfectly, the sound is more harmonious.
I want to be an instrument in God's hand. In my human nature, I like to fix things for other people. I think most women do; that's why we make good moms. We know how to fix things. But we in general have to be careful not to take over the role of God in someone else's life. I want to do whatever God has for me, but how do I figure out my role and see if I'm trying to do too much? I may not know what God is doing or how He is going to use me, but that's why I'm not God. My job is to do the next thing and to trust Him. We are all created uniquely to serve a function in the body of Christ. I just need to be used as a vessel, or an INSTRUMENT, in the hand of God.
Personally, to do this I need to be filling myself with God's Word. I cannot function correctly without the power of the Holy Spirit. I need to be open to the promptings that the Holy Spirit lays on my heart. If an idea pops into my mind, I should evaluate it through the grid of Scripture and see if maybe this is something God wants me to do. I also need the accountability of other Christians who are willing to ask me the hard questions: Why do I do what I'm doing? Am I seeking to please myself or Christ?
I need to balance my priorities so that I am making sure that I am living in such a way that I can make sure that God is my number one priority. I need to FOCUS UP! When my eyes are on the people around me I lose perspective on what's eternal and what really matters. I need to find ways to minister to others, but also let them do what God has called them to do. Our roles in the body may be different. I also don't want to "hog" the ministry opportunities of those around me. I just need to focus on doing what I need to do.
In teaching preschool music, I often have the opportunity to remind students to "take care of yourself." They don't need to worry about what the person next to them is doing (or should be doing), they need to take care of themselves. Some day I will stand before God and be judged, not for what those AROUND me have done, but for what I have done with the opportunities He has given to me.
Reality: I am to be an instrument.
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