Finally! If you will remember, the last time I tried to vote I drove around looking for my polling place and never was able to find it--after visiting 2 other polling places. THIS time I only visited 3 wrong polling places (4 if you count my church) before finding my name on "the list."
Okay, so I asked my neighbor where he votes: the fire station. So I went to the Fire Station. She asked me where I lived (Lexington Farms) and told me I needed to go to a church just on the other side of my subdivision. Okay, that made sense because it was right nearby where I lived. But, no luck there either. No name on "the list." They said to try my old polling place (where I had tried to vote last time around), so I drove off to where I used to live and checked there. They DID find my name on the computer there--and I was off to find that same Methodist Church that I was unable to find last time. Okay, I thought your polling place was supposed to be somewhere nearby where you live. I drove a LONG way away and FOUND the church (thanks bro for pointing me in the right direction). I FINALLY voted, which took a grand total of 5 seconds (or so)--and they were OUT of stickers! Come on, I was consoling myself that at least I would FINALLY get my sticker. Thankfully, the lady that was working there gave me the sticker off of her own sweater! AND I filled out an address change form.
But I don't understand how I moved from one precinct to another and my name appears on a 3rd precinct that I have never lived in--with my old address still on the "new" precinct. Whatever. The only thing I can figure is that possibly when I got my drivers licensed changed that they started changing my precinct and it ended up being changed erroneously? I have no clue. But I voted!
wow, that's a crazy story...but like you said, at least you voted and hopefully won't have to go through such an ordeal next time! thanks for the belated b-day wish! Have a great week!
btw, i've never tried a pumpkin pie sounds good though! i wish i had a car on campus-i'd run over to DQ right now!
Good job. Way to persevere and cast your vote. You are a great American.
Rona Alting called and told me to vote. I said, "I'm 17." Then he just hung up.
And I meant "Ron Alting," not "Rona." Oops.
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