We had a minor tragedy at home this morning. Think of the worst thing that could happen regarding a cheescake on the counter and a dog, and you can probably guess correctly.
Tonight we are having a dessert fellowship after church--and a contest for the best dessert, so Sarah decided to make a delicious mint cheesecake that we bought special ingredients for and everything. She made it last night and left it to cool on the counter. She even pushed it to the back of the counter because Juju hasn't learned to stop getting onto the counter and eating all the goodies she finds there. She has a thing for anything that smells good or tastes good (even bread and flour). So I got up and fed her breakfast this morning and went back to my bathroom to finish getting ready. I could hear Juju doing something (besides eating) and went back to check on her--she was trying to get on the table where her food was so I commanded her to get "Off!" which she did, then I went back to finish getting ready. The next thing I hear is a loud THUD, which didn't sound good at all. I came in and my worst fears were confirmed. There was the cheesecake lying upside down on the floor (the cleanly washed floor, I might add)--and Juju cowering by the door. I tried to pick up the cheescake but the middle of it remained behind on the floor.
So that's why Sarah and Juju are definitely not on speaking terms. I will try to refrain Sarah from mutilating my poor puppy, as she has already dented the kennel door after finding out.
oh my goodness...naughty juju! i always thought juju was like the best behaved puppy! maybe not so much... i remember Cider eating lots of chocolate bars as a puppy...actually he still does! i'd probably do the same thing! Have a great Thanksgiving break, maybe i'll see you at church on sunday!
And I missed out on the chance for some delicious cheesecake tonight! Bummer!
Actually we were able to salvage some of the cheesecake (once it was cut up) and Sarah still presented it (although I'm pretty sure it was gone FAST because I didn't see any out), but she lost the dessert contest to her friend Megan who made a chocolate and caramel Twix cheesecake.
Remember you wanting to bring Juju home at Christmas? I think it's time to rethink that!
Oh man. Sarah, I feel bad for you. I find misbehaving dogs to be completely annoying (we have two of them in our backyard). At least you were able to salvage some of it for the contest. Has Juju been forgiven yet?
JuJu...so naughty...may she could go to puppy school. She's a funny dog...I think she really does think she's only 3 lbs....when she is really more like 60 lbs. Hopefully, she'll behave at the Christmas Readings parties!
Behave? Let's just hope there's no cheesecake.
Praise the Lord Juju's not a St Bernard!!!
Yah, if there is food at the Christmas Reading parties Juju will have to be put in her Kennel, or put to sleep, one of the two
Sarah, you crack me up! Put to sleep? That's horrible. She'll probably be just fine if she's put in her dented kennel.
"Better to live in a desert than with an ill tempered woman." Prov. 21:19 (EKV)
I always take the side of the "under-dog" :)
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