Thursday, April 05, 2007


I would like to take a moment to recognize Miss Jeannie Wetzel on her BIRTHDAY today!!

Jeannie is my good friend and "Amazing Race" buddy! We have been enjoying spending time together watching the Amazing Race on Sunday nights--usually at my place, but I think this week we're at hers! She is one of those people you can always spend time with and you never get to see often enough. But she is also a friend that you can always pick up with, no matter how long it's been since you've seen her last. When I think of Jeannie, I think of singing (in choir or in small groups), youth activities, bulletin boards, February conference, and of course the AMAZING RACE! Jeannie is an awesome person because she wants to be used of the Lord and has a real heart for Him and serving others. Thank you for your friendship, G-Knee! Happy birthday! :)


Anonymous said...

Beth, oh my...what tears that brings to my eyes. Thank you so thoughtful you are. I love our Amazing Race nights together...and getting to spend time with you, you are a very special friend!!

La Profesora said...

well, a happy belated birthday to Jeannie. And a blessed Easter to you, Beth.