Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Juju!

Today is Juju's 1st Birthday!

Since she calls her toys "monkeys" (If you say "Go get your monkey" she'll bring you a toy) I picked out a new monkey toy for her birthday from PetSmart (since she got a birthday card with a coupon for a free toy)!

She enjoys throwing her toys...

Here she's giving me a birthday kiss...

At Juju's last trip to the vet a couple of weeks ago to get her nails trimmed she weighed in at 49.6 pounds, so she's probably pretty much full grown now. She still loves to cuddle--all 50 pounds of her. She loves her nightly walks and rawhide bones and still loves to play. This summer we will really work on learning to come when called, too! She's my big baby! Happy Birthday Ju!


Erin said...

I'm absolutely jealous! I would love to have a dog, but can't with where I live and the hours I work in the summer. I'll just have to enjoy everyone else's.

Cute monkey toy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Juju!

Kiwi said...

aw, so cute...i love the monkey toy! I hope juju had a great 1st b-day! See ya soon!

Jeffo said...

How ironic.. Our 17 month old (Jack Jack) likes monkeys too. He can get the monkey when you tell him to, and he even chews on the monkey..

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ju jU. You were so sweet to remember my birthday with a card. Thank you...your penmanship is so neat.