Monday, March 06, 2006

Joining the Ranks

I've taken the plunge! The last couple of weeks I've enjoyed reading others' blogs and didn't think I'd have time to have one of my own...but, well, I guess if I've had time to READ them I should have time to POST them!! It's all about priorities.

The final shove, though, came from my friends Rob & Joel, who decided to turn off "anonymous" posting on their blogs (and I totally understand their reasoning), although--alas and allack--that left me (even though I've always commented under "other" and not "anonymous"), unable to comment. (Even though I played for that sole purpose--highly addicting, by the way, and I have yet to break 21 seconds.)

So, Joel, for your comment "Just get your own blog. It only takes a minute to set up!" (or something to that effect)--this blogs for you!

But I hope this blog is as much fun (and enlightening and hopefully eventually thought-provoking) to read as the ones that I've enjoyed have been.


Mae said...

way to go! :)


p.s. I get to make the first comment! yay!

bethoven said...

Cool! I have actual comments, now, too!! Thanks, guys.

Anonymous said...

Yeah....block frenzy is quite addicting.

Annie said...

And WHY am I not in your friends?!?! AHEM!!!!! just kidding. Glad you've joined the choas! Enjoy!

kiwi said...

yeeeeh! i'm so glad that you have a blog! i look forward to hearing how things are going. see you later this week!

turza said...

yay! Miss Hill has a blog! Huzzah for blogging!

bethoven said...

Sorry, Annie--I've added the Hill Family. I didn't have you bookmarked yet so you slipped under the radar. :)

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah! Miss Hill has a blog! I'm so happy for you Miss Hill. Sweet.