Thursday, March 23, 2006

No More Kevin

This is a pretty mundane post, but Kevin Covais was "voted off" American Idol last night. I was very sad to see him go (although I couldn't see him as a winner, either).

I liked Kevin, a.k.a. "Chicken Little"--mostly because he reminds me a little of my brother (I think they look similar).

So, goodbye, Kevin. I think I'll root for Chris now.

American Idol is such a--what's the word?--fickle show. This kind of fame is so fleeting...even if it lasts a "long" time it will only be for a few short years. There are much more important things to be in life than to be someone's "Idol" for a few weeks/months/even years.

"Only one life, 'twill soon be past...only what's done for CHRIST will last."


Annie said...

I didnt like arogant. He looks like a cross between Luke Helmer and Micheal Frye.....sorry guys...that's what I thought when I first saw him....

Anonymous said...

Tori told me that he reminded her a little of Tim too...weird...I think Kevin is butt-ugly...and unless you're calling our brother ugly, you'd better take your words back!

bethoven said...

I STILL think he looks like our brother, Sarah dear (watch your language)...huh, Luke Helmer, Annie? Yes, I guess he looks a little like my brother too. And my brother is NOT ugly, for the record.

Anonymous said...

I think Taylor should win. Just curious, if I try out for American Idol next year, will you vote for me?

Annie said...

I would vote for you but only if you did the Napolean Dynamite dance for Simon. I am sure he would love that! :-)

bethoven said...

I've never voted on American Idol before, but if you were on it, Rob, I would.

Anonymous said...

Is that a picture of me? I think he looks just like me. He could be my twin. Maybe he is. And...I think that's all I'm gonna say on this one for now.

bethoven said...

Ha ha ha. Glad you finally got to comment, there, bro. Were your ears ringing?